Wednesday, July 29, 2009

making the tight decision

Dress these Tabio little heart tights up or down.
Good with jean shorts & brown boots.
Still just as adorable with a frilly party frock.
Cute, but still sexy.
Flattering and fun.

These Bebaroque Fringe Thigh
Highs from Urban Outfitters
are a concept that I might have
been into via a verbal description.
"Ok, yes, thigh highs, good, I love
thigh highs...and fringe, oh yes,
can't get enough fringe..."
But now that they are in a tangible
form, I'm conjuring up images of
porcupine rattails and hair
transplant nightmares...I mean,
who's idea was it to make the tights
nude colored? I don't think I'm quite
confident enough yet to romp around
with hedgehog mullets sprouting from
my appendages, but by all means,
if anyone wants to prove me wrong
and work these bad babies, I'd love to see it!

Monday, July 27, 2009

celebrate your inner beauty

With your very own vagina necklace!

The creator also goes on to inform the customers how they can
contact her with an exact description (or a few pictures for the
more confident) of their own unique vaginas for a custom job.

Like they say:
If you got it, flaunt it!

eye wood!

How much wood I love a pair (or dozen) of these!?

Both of these unique eyewear companies create 
absolutely stunning pieces that I will continue to
covet until I have an extra several hundred bucks 
lying around...aaaand of course after I purchase
one of these little gems:

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