Monday, February 8, 2010

Balloon Brooch Babe

This adorable wooden and chain brooch was made by England based jewelry line Stolen Thunder, whose beautiful and unique pieces encourage its customers to steal back their thunder from the consumer led hunger for cheap, soulless items, mass produced without love or identity.

The delightful trinket also comes in white, and can be worn as a cardigan pin by fastening it to each side of your cardi. Here is how Parisian fashion blogger Alix wore her's.

1 comment:

torunn said...

i think you'd love this. a couple of years ago, i found a really really beautiful site with these amazing pieces of jewellery, plastic sort of plates with recreated vintage silhouette pictures. i bought a necklace with a girl flying a kite, it's amazing and it came in this lovely pink and white paper bag with a handwritten message on it. and when i read this blogentry of yours i suddenly remembered that piece, but i forgot the name of the site, so i searched and searched, and apparently the beautiful page she had is gone and she has started to sell her stuff on etsy. though i recognize some of the pieces i'm actually not sure it's the same artist, i'm gonna dive down in my old boxes on the attic to find the wrapping of my necklace which i actually kept, so i can find the url for the website. but until then, look at this (sorry for the unbelieveably long comment):

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